Did you know that using background music can reduce marketing costs and increase sales figures? Let’s find it out!
One of the reasons for a lack of visitors is improperly chosen music played in a commercial space, or the lack thereof. In a study of the effect of music on customers, scientists were able to find out that background music lifts the mood of 70% of visitors and makes them want to stay longer in the room. Pleasant background music for a restaurant, store, movie theater is one way to keep customers. According to experts, the use of audio marketing provides an additional increase in key sales figures – from the frequency of customer visits to the amount of the average check. Or you also have the opportunity to go to the forum and discuss the issue with other restaurant visitors or cafe owners. Here you can ask any questions and get answers quickly! Find out what music is best for your restaurant and make it better!
Facts That Distinguish the Effectiveness of Audio Marketing:
Background Music Positively Influences Purchase Decisions
Gallup Organization Survey researchers have proven that up to 30% of shoppers may agree to purchase a product while under the influence of background music.
The Right Background Music Boosts Sales
Western Kentucky University determined that slow music played in the background increases profits by 38%. And colleagues from the Gallup Organization Survey, found that the use of rhythmic music increases bar revenue by 40.9%
The Use of Music Increases the Average Check
According to Restaurant Management Magazine, using fast songs during the day improves restaurant performance by 11.6% and using slow songs in the evening by 15.7%.
The Tempo of Songs Influences Consumer Behavior
High tempo background music increases the intensity of loading items into the cart, while low tempo makes them linger longer in the store (according to publications in the Business Insider and Gallup Organization Survey).
Music in The Workplace Increases Productivity
Tunes with an upbeat motif affect up to 41% lower levels of stress hormones in the body (Stress Busters Calendar, Workman Publishing), and according to research by Men’s Health magazine, listening to favorite songs in the workplace helps employees increase their productivity by 10%.
Audio Marketing Services Are Less Costly Than Classic Advertising Campaigns
Audio marketing allows you to address the most important challenges associated with increasing point-of-sale revenue at the best possible cost. The cost of such campaigns is 0.5-3% of one marketer’s monthly salary, and the effectiveness of introducing audio promotion can be evaluated one day after the campaign is launched.

There is no doubt that music is an effective sales tool. Back in the 1950s, American researchers found that music attracted 70% of restaurant patrons. And more recently, sociologists have determined that every little detail is important in background music: tempo, rhythm, timing, and genre. Music will emphasize the uniqueness of your store, as well as create a good friendly atmosphere, which will be comfortable for the buyer and, as a result, will increase sales.
How Does It Work?
Music can manipulate the feelings and moods of people, it can cause sadness or, conversely, emotional lift. If a person likes the music in a cafe, he has positive emotions. Chocolate seems especially tasty. To a pleasant tune people are willing to spend 35-40% more money than they were going to.
There’s a huge amount of research on this subject. One British scientist, Adrian North, a professor of psychology, did a lot of experiments. One of them concerned the sale of wine. On different days, the display cases were swapped to control the purity of the experiment. Surprisingly, regardless of the arrangement of the bottles, sales of French wines exceeded sales of German wines if French tunes were played. The same over-selling effect was observed when German background music was played.
So What Kind of Music to Choose?
Each restaurant has its own characteristics, which largely determine the choice of background music. The background music should be fit for purpose. It is important to remember that all restaurants, clubs are different. What’s good for a shoe store won’t work for a restaurant or travel agency. Each has its own unique audience of visitors. Music for businesses can be divided into two groups.

Image music will emphasize your style and personality. If the format of the institution is defined and has a narrow target audience (for example, women), then it will be easy enough to determine the musical style – it could be as recognizable hits, and light rhythmic music on the best stereo speakers under 500. Background music is light, unobtrusive and positive, in most cases without words. This music is suitable for large shopping centers and malls. In this case, the music is necessary for background music, such music successfully smoothes the extraneous noise and does not distract customers from shopping.
Why It Works:
Human behavior depends on music-it’s a proven fact. In a day, from one to a hundred different tunes emerge out of nowhere in the human head, which we hum “to ourselves,” reflecting, or just as importantly, creating our mood. So why not use this important human characteristic in retail?
- Rhythmic songs encourage shoppers to move faster around the store, fill their carts with goods, and provoke spontaneous purchases, because the music is embedded in the mood.
- A slow tune, on the contrary, encourages a more thorough study of the assortment. The result is the same and does not differ from rhythmic compositions – the number of purchases and the profit of the store, as well increases. If you are still interested in the stereo speakers then be sure to go to the official site walkermcguire.com and you will immediately see the pros and cons of different models, as well as learn all the advantages in use. choose the best option!
Bottom Line
Intense development of the home-delivery market and changing consumer purchasing power is prompting restaurateurs to look for new ways to increase customer traffic. But before you explore trendy ways to promote your restaurant, are you confident that your restaurant is the place where guests will want to dine? Does it stand out among the many competitors with its unique atmosphere? Atmosphere is not only the interior, but above all the people who gather there. Be sure to make the best background music and you will see an increase in sales immediately!